Fredrick Fingertooth's Flying Fiasco
A downloadable game
Get ready to launch yourself into the chaotic and absurd world of Fredrick Fingertooth's Flying Fiasco, a wacky casual game that will have you bouncing, flying, and shooting fireballs at things in your way. In this first-playable prototype, you'll get a taste of the game's unique blend of 2D mechanics and 3D visuals, along with its hand-drawn art style featuring surreal fantasy creatures. Watch out for dynamically spawning obstacles, and use your projectiles to blow them up and earn points. Maximize your score by prolonging your run, and blowing things up. With simple, single-input controls and snappy physics, Flying Fiasco is a satisfying casual gaming experience that's perfect for a quick play session. Try out Flying Fiasco now and let me know what you think!
Warmly, -brad
Controls (Gamepad only):
- Press RT to fire your weapon
- Your weapon charge will refill steadily over time
- Press A to bounce boost
- Destroy obstacles to charge your bounce boost
Extract the.zip to wherever you like
Run the program FlyingFiasco.exe